Risk Disclosure

Investing in Cryptocurrencies involves a high degree of risk to your money. Past performance is not indicative of future results. The past performance does not take into consideration Crypto Gard Consultancy´s performance fee.

Before investing in the Cryptocurrency market, you should be aware of the risks involved due to the fluctuation in the value of prices, which can cause fluctuations in the value of your investment. Any type of market or trade speculation that can yield an unusually high return on investment is subject to unusually high risks. Cryptocurrency investing may give rise to large losses within a relatively short period of time that may be attributed to adverse market movements. This is why Crypto Gard Consultancy uses a stop loss on all trades executed by our professional traders for our clients, this stop loss will activate and automatically sell a specific trade if it reaches a loss of 10% (stop loss set at 5% if you are signed up to a guaranteed R.O.I package). Before deciding to enter into a Cryptocurrencies investment, you should carefully consider your investment objectives and risk appetite. Cryptocurrency investments are not suitable for everyone. In this respect, only your surplus funds should be placed at risk and anyone who does not have such surplus should imperatively avoid engaging in Cryptocurrency investments. In particular, you should not engage money you cannot afford to lose.


Not all services will be available to all investors.

The services of Crypto Gard Consultancy are only offered to clients in those countries and regions with applicable laws and regulations. The services referred to on this website may not be available to residents of certain countries or certain categories of investors. Cryptocurrency investments may be subject to restrictions in different countries. The information contained herein is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation. This website is not intended for use by any person in any jurisdiction where the publication or availability of our services is prohibited, by reason of that person’s nationality, residence or otherwise. Persons under these restrictions must not use this website. Some services may not be available to certain investors due to regulatory or other constraints.


  1. User Agreement

1.1. The given document presents English version of the original text of Terms of the User agreement. The User accepts that this version is for convenience in reading only. Relations between the User and the Crypto Gard platform are regulated according to the English version. In all cases the English version of Terms of User agreement is а priority.

1.2. The User agreement is signed between a Crypto Gard Consultancy Representative and the Users of the company services and is a condition for participation in the Crypto Gard platform. The User agreement includes Terms of Use of the Crypto Gard Consultancy website, Terms of Use of Crypto Gard Consultancy services, regulates relations between the Crypto Gard Consultancy participants and is a degree on parties’ responsibilities.

1.3. The present User Agreement is considered signed by new participant to join the Crypto Gard platform after his/her registration. The terms of this User Agreement are to be accepted by a participant in full, without any reservation and in the same format as set out on the Crypto Gard Consultancy website provided for information and recognition by the participant during registration. In case the User does not agree with the presented terms and conditions, he should not use the services of this website and should not go to the associated pages of this website.

  1. Terms and Definitions

2.1.User- Internet user, including users of the website, users of a sane mind with the status of full civil capacity according to the legal norms; older than 18 (eighteen) years; and acting consciously and willingly using the Crypto Gard platform understands the rights and assumes obligations straight implied, and also those stated in the User agreement.

2.2.Website- is the internet resource, containing the totality of contained information and intellectual property (including computer programs, database, graphic registration of interface (design), etc) in information system and objects of intellectual property, access to which is provided from different user devices connected to the Internet by means of special software for websites viewing (browser) of www.cryptogardconsultancy.com (including the domains of the next levels related to these addresses) or Mobile applications.

2.3.User Agreement– is the presented agreement, terms of placing announcements and other rules and documents, regulating work of the Crypto Gard platform or dividing the rules of the Service use, published on the website.

2.4. Services- are functional possibilities, services and facilities accessible on the Crypto Gard platform for Users.

2.5. An account- is registration data, unique login (address of e-mail) and password, created independently by the User in the process of Registration on the Website or changed in future

by the User through the Account Settings, used for access in the Account Settings after authorizing of the User on the Crypto Gard platform.

2.6. A login of the User- is an unchangeable internal electronic code, that is appropriated to every User by the Crypto Gard platform passing registration on the Company’s website www.cryptogardconsultancy.com. After the approval of login and password, the User will be sent an application form by email which will need to be returned along with photo ID (Passport/Driving License) and a utility bill dated within the last 3 months. Once application is accepted client gets access to the services rendered by the Crypto Gard platform. A login is the programmatic means used by the Crypto Gard platform, for the account of mutual rights and duties of Platform Users, and system of the Crypto Gard platform. A login is required for User identification for determination, in what size and to what BTC address in the payment system it is necessary to transfer sums.

2.7.A password of User- is a changeable internal electronic code that is chosen by the User and appropriated by the Crypto Gard platform to every User passed registration on the Company’s website www.cryptogardconsultancy.com. Password of User is the programmatic means used by the Crypto Gard platform for User identification for his access to Account Settings.

2.8.Registrationis totality of User activities, corresponding to indicated Crypto Gard platform instructions, and also corresponding to the User Agreement, that includes the grant for Registration data and other information, accomplished by User with the use of unique function of user interface of the Crypto Gard Project to form the Personal Account and to access to separate Crypto Gard Project Services.

2.9.Data is any material and information, which the User has delivered to the Crypto Gard platform in connection with the Crypto Gard platform.

  1. General Terms and Conditions

3.1. Interaction between Service and Users is affected via the Crypto Gard platform — an online resource located at www.cryptogardconsultancy.com.

3.2. To use services provided by the Crypto Gard Platform, each User must be registered on the Platform website and logged in.

3.3. Decision on registration on the website is made exclusively by the User.

3.4. It is forbidden to sign various accounts for one person, including accounts with various email addresses. Each User may be registered only once and must use only one user account (otherwise, his account will be locked out with no chance for recovery).

3.5. By being registered on the Crypto Gard platform, website users accept terms of Service which are stipulated in this Agreement, and they are obliged to comply with the rules of operation on the Platform.

3.6. The User should realize that all photo-, video- and text information on the Crypto Gard platform website is a subject of copyright matter; it is provided exclusively for introductory and recommendation purposes.

3.7. The User bears responsibility for using information received on the Crypto Gard platform website and the system of trade signals provided at site through tab of signals are just predictions based upon the parameters and indicators widely accepted and used by the crypto world and are just estimation and predictions only. Crypto Gard Consultancy has professional traders executing trades on your behalf,  if you try to follow any Crypto Gard Signals or Indicators for your own personal use, Crypto Gard does not take any responsibility for any losses incurred, hence any loss or profit made in this way is solely your responsibility only.

3.8. The minimal amount of investment for new clients – $5,000.00 and the maximum amount of investment is $50,000.00 per person depending on the status of investor.* To become a VIP account member you must first start with a Standard or Gold package, VIP account membership will only be given to clients who pass a vigorous AML/KYC check.

3.9. Investors’ income varies and can be from 0.5% up to 15% (average) on a daily basis of the investment portfolio extent (Deposited Funds).

3.10. Daily accrual of profit follows Crypto Gard Consultancy results (except Saturday, Sunday and holidays) and that is why it varies from 0.5% up to 15% on average daily but can sometimes show more profit dependant on the trade. From time to time you may see a small loss although Crypto Gard Consultancy uses a stop loss on all trades so we will never lose more than 10% on one trade (stop loss set at 5% if you are signed up to a guaranteed R.O.I package).

3.11. The three types of plan in which one can invest the detail of which is available on the site itself www.cryptogardconsultancy.com and forms part of our Terms and Conditions as stated here.

3.12 The affiliate direct commissions and overriding bonus rates as shown in the website elsewhere is applicable here and part of terms and conditions of Crypto Gard Consultancy as well.

  1. User’s Personal Account

4.1. Use of the Service implies use of personal account that contains a real E-mail address, a unique login and payment details.

4.2. During account registration, User is recommended to use unique data: login and password.

4.3. Account is the main User’s tool to receive information and financial benefits.

4.4. Account may be blocked temporarily or permanently if the User breaches this Agreement.

4.5. Account details may be changed after the Service receives corresponding request from the User.

4.6. Personal account data is under reliable technical protection and it is not subject to disclosure or transfer to a third party.

4.7. Account may be put on hold in case there is no activity from the User within 3 months and in some cases deleted if there is no response from the client thereafter.

  1. User’s Rights and Obligations

5.1. User is entitled to:- register and use one personal account;- use information obtained on the Crypto Gard platform website to gain financial profit for personal use and under personal responsibility;- use marketing tools to receive extra compensation according to the affiliate program terms;- introduce any required changes into personal account settings by filing a corresponding application;- obtain credible and prompt information.

5.1.1. Provide information to other people in an order to bring over them to participating in the Crypto Gard platform;

5.1.2. Create own websites and provide information about the Platform to affiliate new members, and to use for this purpose any resources of the Internet without limitations, if another is envisaged by the User’s country current legislation;

5.1.3. Inform other adult persons and groups of persons, including associations of persons on interests to further affiliate them to the Crypto Gard platform;

5.1.4. Create own blogs and other web-resources, including personally-oriented, and to place on there any information about the Crypto Gard platform for the purpose to affiliate new Users to the Crypto Gard platform;

5.1.5. Deliver proposals and reviews to the Crypto Gard organisation for the purpose of improvement of the Crypto Gard platform service work;

5.1.6. To require from the Crypto Gard Consultancy organisation implementation of the Agreement Terms.

5.2. User of the Crypto Gard platform is obliged to:

5.2.1. Register personal account to use the Crypto Gard platform;

5.2.2. Provide safety of login, password and financial password for access to the Account Settings and the Personal Account in the Crypto Gard platform, not to divulge and not to hand them over to third parties;

5.2.3. Adhere to the rules of work with the Crypto Gard platform Website and this Agreement.

5.2.4. Use anti-virus software for prevention of unauthorized division to his account;

5.2.5. Report to the Service in case of loss of password or in case third parties received an access to data of the account.

5.2.6. Make deposit payments by conscientious transaction;

5.2.7. Not to distribute slanderous and negative statements relating to the Company, the Crypto Gard platform, its Organizers and Users, and also any other persons involved in the Crypto Gard platform work: verbally, in written form, and also in mass media, including the Internet, otherwise the account will be blocked without possibility of the renewal.

5.2.8. Not to pretend to be an organizer, proprietor of the Crypto Gard platform (if is not one), any presentation must be limited to the name “Participant”, “User”;

5.2.9. Not to use status of organizer, proprietor or authorized representative of the Crypto Gard platform during realization of simple standard actions equal to the actions for realization of rights and plenary powers of the User, any presentation must be limited to the name “Participant” or “User”;

5.2.10. To independently pay income taxes, got from participating in the Crypto Gard Platform, in case of presence and according to the requirements of current tax legislation of country where User is registered as a taxpayer, or must be registered as a taxpayer.

5.2.11. Information given by User, and his operations of the Crypto Gard platform must not:- be false, inexact or entering in an error;- assist a swindle, deception or breach of trust;- conduct to the feasance of transactions with the stolen or counterfeit objects;- violate or trench upon property of the third party, their commercial secrets, or their right on inviolability of private life;- contain information, offending somebody’s honour, dignity or business reputation;- contain slander or threats to anyone;- call for crimes and to provoke international conflict;- promote, support or call for terrorist and extremist activity;- be obscene, or have pornography character;-contain computer viruses, and also another computer programs directed, in particular, on harming, unauthorized encroachment, secret intercept is or an appropriation of data of any system of either the system, either its part or personal information or another data (including the Platforms of Crypto Gard Consultancy);- cause harm to the Crypto Gard platform, and also become a reason of complete or partial loss of the Crypto Gard platform services of the Internet network providers or services of any other parties;- contain materials of advertising character;- violate intellectual rights for the third party, right on the image of citizen, and another rights for the third parties.

5.2.12. The User is notified that in case of violation of this Agreement Service he/she has a right to apply the measures of influence as blocking of the account to finding out of circumstances.

5.2.13. It is forbidden for the User to accomplish or carry out a transaction with the use of the Crypto Gard platform Services, which can result in violation of the Crypto Gard platform and/or by User of User’s or Company’s current legislation.

5.2.14. The User guarantees independent reimbursement of losses and damage, caused to the Crypto Gard platform because of money production or another requirement by the third party, following from the use of the Crypto Gard platform services.

5.2.15. A right for the services ́ use belongs to the User personally. The User has no right to render services to the third parties (both on retribution and on gratuitous basis) in the exchange of units of the electronic payment systems, based on the use to them services of the Crypto Gard platform. The User is obligated not to violate authorial and contiguous rights on content of the Crypto Gard platform website acknowledging that such rights are guarded by the law. The Users are obliged not to falsify the communication streams used by Crypto Gard Consultancy services.

5.2.16. The User is obligated not to violate the legally set norms and rules in his/her activities.

  1. Rights and Obligations of a Crypto Gard Consultancy Account blocking may occur in one of the following cases:- Transfer of access to other users.- Multiple accounts registration.- Use of supplementary software and bots by the Service.- Attempts of wilful misrepresentation and deceiving of other users.- Insults of users, employees or any negative impairment towards the Service.- Distribution of negative information about the Service, as well as in any other cases when the User comprises a threat to the Service and/or to other users.

6.1. Crypto Gard Consultancy is responsible for technical maintenance of the Website and provides round-the-clock access to Users’ accounts.

6.2. Crypto Gard Consultancy is entitled to:- require the User to undergo complete identification if his account is blocked in the result of non-compliance with the present Agreement;- use e-mail address of the User to send system notifications, newsletters, as well as marketing information;- deny the User in services providing without giving a reason;- change the terms of cooperation at its own discretion upon Users notice.

6.3. Company is obliged to:- provide round-the-clock access to the Website;- ensure Users’ personal data safety and not disclose it to any third parties;- timely and in full inform Users about all changes and developments;- accrue financial remuneration to Users as a result of cooperation with the Crypto Gard platform website (regular accruals of financial profit and remuneration for participation in the affiliate program) and process Users’ applications for deposits and withdrawals of funds.

  1. The account can be blocked in the following cases:- Transfer of access to other users.- Registration of multiple accounts.- Use of the additional programs imitating activity of registration record.- Intentional attempts of deception and introduction in an error of other users.- Insults of Users, employees or causing of any negative toward the Service.- Distribution of negative information about the Service.- Similarly in any other cases, where the decision of the Service defines that the user carries threat for the Service and/or for other users.
  1. Financial Mutual Settlements

8.1. Acceptance of the present Agreement terms implies possible participation in an investment process and transfer of financial funds to discretionary management of the Service.

8.2. Discretionary management is performed by acceptance of financial funds. It is implemented via electronic payment systems.

8.3. Deposit and subsequent withdrawal of financial funds is implemented by the User himself via suggested payment systems: that is, Bitcoin and others can follow.

8.4. Additional expenses in the form of fee for deposit and subsequent withdrawal are limited by the User.

8.5. Financial profit as a result of the Service’s actions within the framework of discretionary management is automatically accrued to the User’s “Profit Balance” which can be found within Users account on the Crypto Gard Platform.

8.6. Withdrawal of funds is made according to a manually processed User’s application upon completion of fixed contractual term.

8.7. Withdrawal waiting time may take 3-5 days after application for funds withdrawal is created and confirmed by the User.

8.8. User is notified and agrees that waiting period for withdrawal declared in the present Agreement may be prolonged due to payment processors operation failure, as well as in case of force-major. The User acknowledges that these factors are beyond competence and responsibility of the Service.

8.9. After contractual fixed term has elapsed, User can apply for a Crypto Gard Consultancy Visa Debit Card and add funds to the card. The Crypto Gard Consultancy Visa Debit Card is a pre-paid card which will be connected to your Crypto Gard Platform account.

8.10. Parties agree that this Agreement was not the agreement of confidence management by property, agency service or guarantee on the legislation of country of any of Parties and does not entail the obligations conditioned by the legislation of relatively confidence management property, agency service or guarantee.

  1. Responsibility of Parties

9.1. The system does not carry responsibility in any case for Users’ success or Users’ failure of actions, constrained with the use of the Platform on the website. The project does not bear responsibility for receipt or non-receipt by the User of the expected profit.

9.2. Crypto Gard Consultancy in no way bears responsibility for financial losses, and any other types of User’s losses, constrained with the use of information presented on the Website and participating in Company activity.

9.3. The User, realizing all risks in full, takes responsibility for failures and losses constrained with the use of information presented on the website and participating in the Crypto Gard Project if used for personal use outside of the Crypto Gard Platform.

9.4. Crypto Gard Consultancy bears responsibility for exclusive functioning of the User Account Settings of the Platform and exact execution of commissions of Users within the framework of the terms of this Agreement.

9.5. Crypto Gard Consultancy does not bear responsibility for any violations, or limitations in-process of the payment systems used for direction of monetary resources to the Personal Accounts of Users.

9.6. Crypto Gard Consultancy does not bear responsibility for the change of cost of assets because of change of cryptocurrencies courses, that takes place during implementation of transaction, but similarly on the whole at the market.

9.7. Crypto Gard Consultancy does not bear responsibility for delays or failures in the process of feasance operations, arising up because of act of providence, and also any case of defects in telecommunication, computer, electric and another contiguous systems.

9.8. Monetary resources can be transferred from account only at presence of order (requests) from the User.

9.9. The Crypto Gard Project has reserved the right at any moment to check solvency of the User (and in case of necessity – and his personality) by means of the data given during registration.

9.10. The Crypto Gard Project does not carry responsibility for any of  the services of automatic exchange of units of the electronic payment systems, additions to the accounts and payment of commodity on merchant sites, electronic payment systems.

9.11. The Crypto Gard Project doesn’t check a competence and legality of User’s possession of the facilities offered by the User to the exchange, and does not carry out a supervision after the operations of the User in none of the electronic payment systems.

9.12. The Crypto Gard Project supports only that electronic payment systems, where operations are irrevocable in accordance with the terms of the corresponding system maintenance.

9.13. Any and every operation with participation the electronic payment systems is not a subject to abolition from the moment of its completion – from receive by User of what being due to him before accepted terms of transaction.

9.14. The systems of e-payments bear the exceptional responsibility for facilities entrusted to them by the Users of Crypto Gard Consultancy and is not a Party in an agreement between the system of e-payments and its User and in no case bears responsibility for the wrong or illegal use of the corresponding system, and also for abuse of functionality of this system. The mutual right and duties of the User and systems of e-payments are regulated by the rules and agreements, accepted in the corresponding system.

9.15. Return of facilities to the User, or other User, or person regardless of his role in the Project is impossible. Participants understand essence and terms of this Agreement.

9.16. The company and executives of the Project do not bear responsibility for problems that can arise up in the used authorized payment systems, because the Company is not a proprietor or joint owner of payment systems.

9.17. The company and executives of the Project do not bear responsibility for problems, breaking, sums, that can rise up exchange course, on which Crypto Gard Consultancy are based, and that can cause the loss of facilities (altcoins).The Company is not a proprietor or joint owner of this payment system.

9.18. Exchange courses are not published on the Service Website and not reported to the User in the moment of acceptance by him of exchange operation terms, which set accepted service from the User and given out by the service to the User volumes of assets in the systems of e-payments. The expenses constrained with the use of the electronic system of payments and envisaged by a corresponding bilateral agreement between the User and system are paid by the User.

  1. Force-Majeure

10.1. In case of origin of some circumstances impedimental to complete or partial implementation of any of parties of its obligations under this Contract, namely, natural calamities, war, military operations of any character, blockade, loss by a person carrying out the transactions of considerable part of capital, the decline of course of exchange of one currency in relation to other is considerably different from a middle index, closing of exchange or other circumstances, being beyond control outside, each of parties has a right to annul further implementation of obligations following from this Agreement, and in this case none of parties has no authority to claim compensation from other party.

  1. Validity of Agreement

11.1. The present Agreement becomes effective after registration of personal account by the User on the Crypto Gard Consultancy website, and it remains valid during the whole period of cooperation between the User and the Service.

11.2. The Service reserves the right to introduce changes and additions into the text of the present Agreement at its own discretion without any notice.

11.3. In case of disagreement with changes in the User agreement, person has a right to give up execution of this User agreement and stop to use services given by the Company. Sums that were sent by User before, providing voluntarily payments, are not returned. Any Participant understands and is conscious that has a permanent open access to this Agreement.

11.4. Users are strongly recommended to check content of the Agreement from time to time with respect to changes and additions.

  1. Service Contact Details

12.1. If required, the User can contact the Service representatives via the following channels of communication:- contact us on the Crypto Gard Consultancy website;- www.cryptogardconsultancy.com or via email;- support@cryptogardconsultancy.com